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Building Sustainable Cities of the Future

Building Sustainable Cities of the Future / Justin Bishop, ed. Springer, 2017

This book draws upon the expertise of academic researchers, urban planners and architects to explore the challenge of building the sustainable cities of the future. It addresses this challenge by considering current cities and those of the near future, and creates a picture of the sustainable city from the bottom up.

Individual chapters cover topics such as transport, energy supply, sustainable urbanism and promoting social equality in large infrastructure projects. Real-world examples are presented to illustrate how systems thinking is used to integrate different components of a city so as to ensure that the whole is more sustainable than its parts.

Written in an accessible style, this book is intended for general readers as much as it is for students and researchers interested in sustainable cities and related topics. It is also ideal for urban planners seeking best-practice guidelines for sustainable urban development.

Contents :

  • Energy for Cities: Supply, Demand and Infrastructure Investment /  Colin J., Axon (et al.)
  • Future-Proofed Design of Low-Energy Housing Developments: Case Studies from the UK and Sweden / Maria Christina Georgiadou,
  • On the Move—or Moving On? Reimagining the Future of Travel / Malek Al-Chalabi
  • Water: An Essential Resource and a Critical Hazard / Richard A. Fenner,
  • Health and Well-being in Urban Environments / Anja Mizdrak (et al.)
  • A Place for Food Within Sustainable Urban Masterplanning / Bee Farrell
  • Infrastructure, Equity and Urban Planning: A Just Process for the Allocation of Benefits and Burdens / Daniel Durrant
  • Sustainable Places: Delivering Adaptive Communities / Laura Mazzeo (et al.)

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Danièle Revel (16 novembre 2017). Building Sustainable Cities of the Future. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse

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