Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés (12/12/2017)
L’adaptation est-elle un frein aux accords climatiques ? / Basak Bayramoglu,Michael Finus et Jean-François Jacques, Revue française d’économie, vol. XXXII(2), 2017, pp. 135-159
Dans cet article, nous nous demandons si l’adaptation au changement climatique (bien privé), comme stratégie additionnelle à l’atténuation (bien public), est un frein ou si elle contribue à la formation de coalitions de pays signataires d’un accord de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES). Nous montrons que l’adaptation peut induire une complémentarité stratégique entre les niveaux de dépollution des différents pays au lieu de l’habituelle substituabilité stratégique qui caractérise le comportement de passager clandestin. Nous analysons les conditions sous lesquelles cela peut contribuer au succès d’un accord environnemental de réduction des émissions de GES.
Monitoring progress of Europe’s transport sector towards its environment, health and climate objectives. European Environment Agency, Dec. 2017, 11 p.
The ‘Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism’ (TERM) includes a number of indicators used for tracking the short and long-term environmental performance of the transport sector in the 28 Member States of the European Union (EU-28). This briefing presents the latest indicator-based assessment of progress being made towards key transport-related policy targets and objectives.
The Role of Carbon Capture and Storage Electricity in Attaining 1.5 and 2°C / Adriano Vinca, Marianna Rottoli, Giacomo Marangoni and Massimo Tavon. Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, 2017, 26 p. (Nota di lavoro ; 2017.054)
The climate targets defined under the Paris agreement of limiting global temperature increase below 1.5 or 2°C require massive deployment of low-carbon options in the energy mix, which is currently dominated by fossil fuels. Scenarios suggest that Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) might play a central role in this transformation, but CCS deployment is stagnating and doubts remain about its techno-economic feasibility. In this article, we carry out a throughout assessment of the role of CCS electricity for a variety of temperature targets, from 1.5 to above 4°C, with particular attention to the lower end of this range. We collect the latest data on CCS economic and technological future prospects to accurately represent several types of CCS plants in the WITCH energy-economy model, We capture uncertainties by means of extensive sensitivity analysis in parameters regarding plants technical aspects, as well as costs and technological progress. Our research suggests that stringent temperature scenarios constrain fossil fuel CCS based deployment, which is maximum for medium policy targets. On the other hand, Biomass CCS, along with renewables, increases with the temperature stringency. Moreover, the relative importance of cost and performance parameters change with the climate target. Cost uncertainty matters in less stringent policy cases, whereas performance matters for lower temperature targets.
Energy and Climate Change Adaptation in Developing Countries / Christina Stuart. Eschborn : European Union Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF), September 2017, 60 p.
The whole value chain of the energy system – generation, transmission, distribution, as well as consumption – is being increasingly impacted by climate events. Droughts and floods are significantly affecting hydropower generation output. Transmission and distribution lines are at risk of storm and cyclone induced damage, which could cause expensive power outages. Energy demand is also set to increase as the warmer climate will call for additional cooling needs. From the estimated financing needs of $100 billion a year for climate adaptation, not even 10% are being disbursed.
Targeting energy and climate stakeholders, in particular the donor community, the study highlights the need for action in the cross-sectoral field of energy and climate change adaptation. The study analyses the impacts of climate change in the different market segments of the energy sector with a strong focus on the power sector. In a second step, a number of opportunities and key areas for action in order to build a resilient energy sector are presented. (© Silvia Escudero)
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Danièle Revel (12 décembre 2017). Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés (12/12/2017). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 21 janvier 2025 à l’adresse