Smart Grid projects in Europe
Smart Grid projects in Europe : lessons learned and current developments / Vincenzo Giordano, Flavia Gangale, Gianluca Fulli, Manuel Sánchez Jiménez. JRC European Commission, July 2011, 110 p.
Full JRC Report :
Maps of Smart Grid projects :
Initiatives on Smart Grids are growing in number, participants and scope. Before 2011, no inventory of Smart Grid projects in Europe was available and the sharing of project experiences was limited. Following a request from DG ENER, the JRC Smart Electricity Systems Action carried out an independent assessment of smart grid projects throughout Europe. We launched a survey to collect smart grid experiences in Europe and support analysis on trends and developments in Smart Grids implementation (more on jrc website…)
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Danièle Revel (20 juillet 2011). Smart Grid projects in Europe. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse