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Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés (17/04/2018)

Accounting for mitigation targets in Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement / Christina Hood and Carly Soo. Paris : OECD/IEA, October 2017, 27 p. (Climate Change Expert Group Paper No.2017(5)

Accounting for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement is needed to allow Parties to track individual progress towards their own mitigation-related NDC targets, understand others’ NDC targets and their progress toward them, and assess collective progress towards the long-term mitigation goal. This paper aims to assist Parties and stakeholders in framing thinking around the nature of accounting for mitigation targets given the diversity of target types in NDCs, and also to discuss how accounting guidance could be applied at various stages in the NDC cycle. It provides a summary and unpacking of the key accounting provisions under the Paris Agreement and Decision text, discusses the implications of the range of NDC target types, then discusses the particular issues of accounting for co-operative approaches and for the land sector. It then explores how accounting guidance may be applied within the NDC cycle.

State of global air /2018: a special report on global exposure to air pollution and its disease burden. Boston: Health Effects Institute, 2018, 24 p. + interactive data

This second issue of the State of Global Air report expands on last year’s report by adding household air pollution and total air pollution to our discussion of air quality and health for all countries around the globe. It is based on the most recent data available (for 2016) and provides a comprehensive picture of global air pollution and health levels and trends (since 1990). The report is designed to introduce citizens, journalists, policy makers, and scientists to the Global Burden of Disease project, a comprehensive effort to estimate and track human exposure to air pollution and its impact on human health around the world…

Mind the gap – Aligning the 2030 EU climate and energy policy framework to meet long-term climate goals: for a better coordination of climate and energy policies through
the regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union / Charlotte Vailles, Émilie Alberola, Blaise Farrokhi, Cyril Cassisa, Jérémy Bonnefous. Paris : Institute for Climate Economics, April 20118, 16 p. (I4CE climate brief n°52)

L’étude analyse les interactions entre les politiques énergie-climat de l’UE et propose des options politiques pour atténuer les interactions contreproductives et atteindre des objectifs climat de long terme accrus conformément à l’Accord de Paris.

Closing the gap between finance and climate mitigation actions / Angélica Afanador and Thomas Haehl. Ecofys, Dec. 2017, 50 p. (Mitigation Momentum report)

Most NAMAs and low carbon programmes that seek international climate finance appear to be facing difficulties in achieving financial close. This paper seeks to find insights to address the following question: what factors make a financial mechanism successful? The analysis’ results intend to provide insight to stakeholders in the climate finance community that are engaged in developing and implementing financial mechanisms for RE and/or EE programmes. As NDCs will require a significant scale up of the pipeline of RE and EE programmes globally, the research team provides recommendations to help stakeholders in the climate finance community to design and set up successful financial mechanisms.

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Danièle Revel (17 avril 2018). Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés (17/04/2018). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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