Electricity network regulation in the EU : the challenges ahead for transmission and distribution
Electricity network regulation in the EU : the challenges ahead for transmission and distribution / Jean-Michel Glachant et Leonardo Meeus, European University Institute. Edward Elgar, 2018, 192 p.
The UK model of incentive regulation of power grids was at one time the most advanced, and elements of it were adopted throughout the EU. This model worked well, particularly in the context of limited investment and innovation, a single and strong regulatory authority, and limited coordination between foreign grid operators. This enlightening book shows that since 2010 the whole context has changed and regulation has had to catch-up and evolve. The EU is entering a wave of investment, and an era of new services and innovation which has created growing tensions between national regulatory authorities in terms of coordinating technical standards and distribution systems. This is being played out against an increasingly disruptive backdrop of digitzation, new market platforms and novel business models.
Table of Contents:
Introduction — Part 1 Incentive Regulation: aligning the interests of the operators with the interests of their customers — 1. The British reference model, Vincent Rious and Nicolò Rossetto — 2. Continental incentive regulation, Vincent Rious and Nicolò Rossetto — Part 2 Seams issues: one market, one system, but many operators and authorities — 3. TSO-TSO seams issues, Jean-Michel Glachant — 4. DSO-TSO seams issues, Leonardo Meeus and Samson Yemane Hadush — Part 3 Grey areas: the border between the market and the grid — 5. Classical grey areas since the start of the internal market, Leonardo Meeus and Pradyumna Bhagwat — 6. New grey areas at the frontiers of European power grids, Leonardo Meeus and Tim Schittekatte — Index
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Danièle Revel (10 avril 2018). Electricity network regulation in the EU : the challenges ahead for transmission and distribution. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/ocuf