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Revue des blogs – lundi 4 juin 2018

A Climate-Friendly Response to Trump’s Protectionism / Barbara Unmüßig and Michael Kellner, Project syndicate, 4/06/2018

Rather than allowing itself to be dragged into Donald Trump’s destructive trade games, the European Union should turn them on their head, by introducing a CO2 levy, including border adjustment. Such a response would help protect the environment and boost the EU’s own international clout… lire

Trump tried to kill the Paris agreement, but the effect has been the opposite / Nathan Hultman and Paul Bodnar, Planet Policy, 1/06/2018

One year ago, President Donald Trump announced his intent to withdraw the United States from the Paris agreement on climate change. This international accord, reached after a decade of multilateral negotiation and considerable U.S. leadership, represented a new and flexible global approach to climate action that respects individual nations’ priorities while encouraging all countries to move toward a cleaner economy… lire

One year since Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement /Timmons Roberts, Planet Policy, 1/06/2018

Under brilliant sunshine and blue skies one year ago today, President Donald Trump stood at a podium in the Rose Garden to announce the United States would be withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement. With Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt beaming in the front row, Trump described the pact, signed by every single other nation on Earth, as “an agreement that disadvantages the United States to the exclusive benefit of other countries.”… lire

Inside America’s oil boom / Jeffrey Ball, Planet Policy, 1/06/2018

For all the talk of a new-energy revolution, one of the biggest energy shifts underway today is fundamentally an old-school one: a boom in oil production in the Permian Basin, a massive swath of land that sprawls across West Texas and southeastern New Mexico. The Permian is where, nearly a century ago, a gusher known as the Santa Rita No. 1 all but inaugurated the Oil Age… lire

Transformed Gas Markets Fuel US-Russian Rivalry, But Europe Plays Key Role Too / Morena Skalamera, Russia Matters, 30/05/2018

This month, the Wall Street Journal reported that U.S. President Donald Trump has been pressuring Germany to drop its support for a major new Russian gas pipeline if Europe wants to avoid a trade war with Washington, while a senior U.S. diplomat warned that the project could be hit with U.S. sanctions; Russian President Vladimir Putin responded defiantly… lire

Seven key things to know about ‘negative emissions’ / Jan Minx Sabine Fuss and Gregory Nemet, Carbon Brief, 1/06/2018

Despite the ambitious long-term climate goals of the Paris Agreement, there remains a distinct lack of success at ushering in immediate and sustained reductions in global CO2 emissions. This cognitive dissonance has seen the topic of “negative emissions” – also known as “carbon dioxide removal” (CDR) – move into the limelight in climate science and policy discussions… lire

En montagne, éleveurs et bergers vivent déjà le changement climatique au quotidien / Delphine Piazza-Morel et Baptise Nettier, Irstea, the Conversation, 31/05/2018

Pour les éleveurs et les bergers de montagne, le changement climatique est déjà une réalité perceptible. La prise de conscience, assez brutale, de ce phénomène date d’une série d’années très sèches débutée en 2003. Aux prises directes avec les conséquences du réchauffement, ils doivent désormais trouver des solutions pour s’y adapter… lire

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Danièle Revel (4 juin 2018). Revue des blogs – lundi 4 juin 2018. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse

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