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Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (24/08/2018)

Preliminary assessment of the challenges and opportunities for the Ukrainian gas market to become a fully functioning gas market / Sergio Ascari, Ilaria Conti and Karl Friedrich Kaspareck. Florence School of Regulation, June 2018, 99 p.

The present report aims at understanding the challenges and opportunities of the Ukrainian natural gas market. It considers its natural resources, infrastructure, industry organisation, market regulation, international relationships, and consumption patterns. The report broadly describes the current situation and key market data. However, its focus is on mid-term evolution, with a view to understanding how the market could look around 2020, when the current transition should be relatively advanced. The market is assessed against European Union benchmarks, in particular the Gas Target Model (ACER, 2015), which envisages the characteristics of a functioning gas market pursuant to the EU regulatory framework, and defines metrics for assessment of individual (national or cross-border) markets. The assessment is not limited to the metrics, but also illustrates and discusses other key features that the current European debates highlight as key factors of a functioning market, and which can lead to the establishment of a liquid and competitive hub for gas trading.

La rénovation énergétique des bâtiments / Jean-Luc Fugit et Loïc Prud’homme, députés. France. Office parlementaire d’évaluation des choix stratégiques et technologiques, juillet 2018, 5 p. (Notes scientifiques ; 6)

L’atteinte des objectifs de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre et de consommation d’énergie nécessite une véritable rupture dans la démarche de rénovation énergétique des bâtiments.
Initier une dynamique de rénovation énergétique implique d’être en capacité de mesurer les résultats unitaires obtenus, de suivre l’évolution globale du parc, de concentrer les efforts là où leur efficacité est avérée, d’identifier les obstacles de tous ordres et de les lever.
Pour faire émerger de nouvelles solutions adaptées, la recherche scientifique doit être développée et renforcée suivant de multiples axes : numérique, matériaux, sciences sociales, etc.

A Study on the Improvement of Smart Grid Security Performance and Blockchain Smart Grid Perspective / Seong-Kyu Kim and Jun-Ho Huh, Energies, 2018, vol. 11, issue 8, pp. 1-22

Interest in green energy has increased worldwide. Therefore, smart grid projects to form a more efficient and eco-friendly intelligent grid by combining information technology (IT) technology with the existing grid are actively being conducted. In Korea, a national-level smart grid project road map has been confirmed, and an action plan has been prepared. Despite such actions, there may appear various threat scenarios in the application of the IT to the grid as a reverse function. Security technology is a measure to respond to such threats effectively. The security technology of a smart grid is an important factor that is directly related to the success or failure of the smart grid project. A smart grid is a new type of next-generation grid born of the fusion with IT. If the smart grid, the backbone of the power supply, is damaged by a cyberattack, it may cause huge damage, such as a nationwide power outage. In fact, there is an increasing cyberattack threat, and the cyber security threat to the smart grid is not insignificant. Furthermore, the legal system related to information protection is also important in order to support it systematically. In this paper, the necessity of the smart grid is examined, and the industry’s initiative toward the smart grid security threat and threat response is examined. In this paper, we also suggest a security plan of applying Rainbowchain, the Blockchain technology, to the smart grid and energy exchange. We propose achieving superior performance and security functions by using Rainbowchain, which contains seven authentication techniques among existing Blockchain technologies, and propose the ecosystem and architecture necessary for its application.

La planification de la mobilité urbaine dans les pays en développement pour des villes plus économes en énergie : la nécessaire alliance entre objectifs globaux et besoins locaux / Jean-Jacques Helluin. Codatu, 2018

Les villes des pays en développement en urbanisation rapide font face au double défi de leur transition urbaine et de la transition énergétique. Dans ce contexte, les démarches de planification de la mobilité urbaine prennent une importance renouvelée. Mais les particularités des villes du Sud imposent de trouver des solutions spécifiques et innovantes. Cet article apporte des illustrations concrètes à partir des grandes catégories de questions qui se posent : articulation entre urbanisme et habitat, dimension sociale de la mobilité, dépassement des erreurs du Nord, gouvernance et financement de l’amélioration de la mobilité durable.

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Danièle Revel (24 août 2018). Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (24/08/2018). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse

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