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Energy in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities

Energy in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities / Manfred Hafner, Simone Tagliapietra, and Lucia de Strasser. Springer, 2018 ; e-book and pdf are free of charge

Abstract : This open access book presents a picture of the current energy challenges on the African continent (and the Sub-Saharan region in particular) and proposes pathways to an accelerated energy transition. Starting with an analysis of the status quo and the outlook for Africa’s energy demand and energy access, it provides an account of the available resources, including hydrocarbons and renewable energy resources, which are playing an increasingly crucial role. It then moves on to analyze the level of investment required to scale-up Africa’s energy systems, shedding light on the key barriers and elaborating on potential solutions. It also provides a suggestion for improving the effectiveness of EU–Africa cooperation. While mainly intended for policymakers and academics, this book also speaks to a broader audience interested in gaining an overview of the challenges and opportunities of the African energy sector today and in the future.

Contents :

  • The Challenge of Energy Access in Africa
  • The Role of Hydrocarbons in Africa’s Energy Mix
  • Prospects for Renewable Energy in Africa
  • Energy Investments for Africa’s Energy Transition

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (23 août 2018). Energy in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse

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