Time to Roll Up the Sleeves – Even Higher !
Time to Roll Up the Sleeves – Even Higher ! Longer-term climate finance after Cancun / Benito Müller. OIES, Jan. 2011, 8 p. (Energy and Environment Brief)
In this Oxford Energy and Environment Brief Benito Müller identifies some of the main elements of the climate finance debate in the run up to the next UN climate conference to be held in Durban South Africa in December 2011. As concerns the establishment of the new Green Climate Fund the Brief argues for the inclusion and active participation of all relevant sectors of society in the design process. With regards to the issue of sources the Brief argues that the new fund will only be viable in the context of significant start-up funding and it identifies an existing innovative source of international funding to do this. Finally the Brief considers the issue of operationalising the new Standing Committee to support the governance of the UNFCCC financial mechanism. (© OIES)
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Danièle Revel (19 janvier 2011). Time to Roll Up the Sleeves – Even Higher ! Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/o8o9