Cities and climate change : an urgent agenda
Cities and climate change : an urgent agenda. Washington : World Bank, December 2010, 92 p. (Urban development series. working paper ; 63704)
The report discusses the link between climate change and cities, why cities should be concerned about climate change and adopt early preventative policies, and how the World Bank and other organizations can provide further support to cities on climate change issues. The report is one in a series of activities that explore the nexus of cities and climate change. This report, cities and climate change: an urgent agenda focuses on three broad issues pertaining to cities and climate change. This paper argues that climate change is an urgent agenda for cities for two reasons. First, climate change is a cumulative process. Second, embracing the climate change agenda now makes eminent sense from an individual city’s perspective, be it economic, social, or political. It shows that the city is part of the global sustainable development agenda. This report presents an urgent situation. In rapidly growing cities, especially in Asia, current development paths are locking in emissions and lifestyles. Many people, particularly the poor, are already affected by climate change. The next decade will be particularly challenging. Cities will take a more active role in global dialogues and policy development as citizen’s demand more comprehensive and immediate responses from all levels of government. (© World Bank)
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Danièle Revel (8 septembre 2011). Cities and climate change : an urgent agenda. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse