The Impact of Import Dependency and Wind Generation on UK Gas Demand and Security of Supply to 2025
The Impact of Import Dependency and Wind Generation on UK Gas Demand and Security of Supply to 2025 / Howard Rogers. OIES, Aug. 2011, 122 p. (NG 54)
This paper challenges the assumption of UK government policy papers and projections that, as a result of substantial increases in renewable and other low carbon generation capacity, the role of gas in the will decline rapidly over the next decade and beyond. The study suggests that gas will retain a central and undiminished role in the UK power generation sector. Although its role in the power generation sector may change, gas is likely to be particularly important in respect of ensuring security of supply in the context of increasing intermittent wind generation. As a result, additional gas storage will be needed and, given current market conditions, immediate attention needs to be devoted to creating incentives to ensure this will be provided. (© OIES)
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Danièle Revel (16 septembre 2011). The Impact of Import Dependency and Wind Generation on UK Gas Demand and Security of Supply to 2025. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse