Is there any need to support the implementation of EU climate policy through cross-country burden sharing?
Is there any need to support the implementation of EU climate policy through cross-country burden sharing ? / Luis Olmos, EU Energy blog, 15/09/2011
In the current context, where public budgets are overstretched due to the economic crisis, there is a pressing need to understand the fiscal implications of climate policies. Decarbonization will impact both sides of a country’s budget via changes in the tax levels and composition of taxes on the one hand, as well as transfer payments and direct investments on the other. Climate policies increasing public revenues could help to reduce state debt, while policies significantly increasing public expenses could be difficult to implement…
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Danièle Revel (16 septembre 2011). Is there any need to support the implementation of EU climate policy through cross-country burden sharing? Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse