Domestic Emission Trading Systems in Developing Countries
Domestic Emission Trading Systems in Developing Countries – State of Play and Future Prospects / Wolfgang Sterk and Florian Mersmann. Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Aug. 2011, 19 p. (JIKO Policy Paper 2/2011)
As plans for the establishment of emissions trading systems (ETS) emerge in various developing countries, prospects for creating a global carbon market seem to finally get in reach. Links among ETS of every type of country will have to deal with several design issues, all of which raise several challenges that policy makers have to solve in order to establish working systems. In this paper, six developing countries with possible domestic ETS are analysed. Brazil, China, India, Kazakhstan, Mexico, and South Korea all have plans for trading systems in various stages of development.
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Danièle Revel (27 septembre 2011). Domestic Emission Trading Systems in Developing Countries. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 19 septembre 2024 à l’adresse