Commission communication of the EU Energy External Policy: Was there an alternative?
Commission communication of the EU Energy External Policy: Was there an alternative? / Laura Parmigiani, IFRI Edito Energie, 28 septembre 2011
EU is the world’s largest net energy importer and consumer, so why do its Members continue to negotiate individually with the rest of the world rather than as one big market with a big voice?
This is the most obvious question being posed by the Commission when considering its role in EU external energy policy. An overall and coherent collective stance on security of supply is not only needed to have more leverage in negotiations with the world, but it is also a mean of forging a comprehensive energy strategy capable of meeting consumers’ needs and finding effective responses based on a sound footing…
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Danièle Revel (28 septembre 2011). Commission communication of the EU Energy External Policy: Was there an alternative? Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse