International Climate Change Law
Virtual Issue on International Climate Change Law, Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law (RECIEL), Nov. 2018 (All articles are accessible for free in the coming month)
The articles cover the legal nature of the Paris Agreement and its obligations, the role ofdifferentiation in the Agreement, its mechanism to promote implementation andcompliance, the role of cities in international climate law, the development ofnational climate change legislation, human rights and climate change, and lossand damage arising from climate impacts.
- The shifting role of cities in the globalclimate change regime: From Paris to Pittsburgh and back? / Helmut Philipp Aust
- Probing the hidden depths of climate law: Analysing nationalclimate change legislation / Eloise Scotford and Stephen Minas
- An ‘Islands’ COP’? Loss and damage atCOP23 / Lisa Benjamin, Adelle Thomas and Rueanna Haynes
- Obligations of conduct in theinternational law on climate change: A defence / Benoit Mayer
- The Legal Character of the ParisAgreement / Daniel Bodansky
- The Compliance and ImplementationMechanism of the Paris Agreement / Christina Voigt
- The Paris Agreement: A New Step in theGradual Evolution of Differential Treatment in the Climate Regime? / Sandrine Maljean-Dubois
- Soft law in the Paris Climate Agreement:Strength or weakness? / Peter Lawrence and Daryl Wong
- A Universal Human Right to ShapeResponses to a Global Problem? The Role of Self‐Determination in Guiding theInternational Legal Response to Climate Change / Amy Maguire and Jeffrey McGee
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Danièle Revel (28 novembre 2018). International Climate Change Law. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse