Plan C – the role of the Kyoto Protocol in a legally binding outcome
Plan C – the role of the Kyoto Protocol in a legally binding outcome / Benito Müller. Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, Sept. 4 p. (OIES brief)
The majority of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change still would like to see their current negotiations lead to a legally binding outcome. But opinions differ on what form this outcome should have. Should it be a new treaty under the UNFCCC that complements the Kyoto Protocol (Plan A), or one that supersedes it (Plan B)? This new brief OIES argues that both are unlikely to succeed, and that the quest for a legally binding outcome should abandon the idea of a new treaty altogether and instead make do with what we have got: the Kyoto Protocol (in a suitably modified form) (©B. Müller)
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Danièle Revel (4 octobre 2011). Plan C – the role of the Kyoto Protocol in a legally binding outcome. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 septembre 2024 à l’adresse