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Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés (20/12/2018)

Transitional Restricted Linkage Between Emissions Trading Schemes / Simon Quemin et Christian de Perthuis, Environmental and Resources Economics, Vol. 71, December 2018, pp. 1-32

Linkages between Emissions Trading Systems are deemed an important element of the future climate policy landscape. They are, however, difficult to agree and remain few and far between. Temporary restrictions on permit trading have potential to facilitate and gradually approach unrestricted, full linkage. We compare the relative merits of several link restrictions in this respect, namely quantitative transfer limits, border taxes on transfers, exchange and discount rates, and unilateral linkage. To this end, we develop a simple model to have a unifying framework which, in conjunction with lessons we draw from real-world experiences, serves as a basis for a broader, policy-oriented discussion. While quantitative restrictions seem to be the natural route to full linkage, they can lead to uncertain distributional effects and weaken price signals. These aspects are mitigated under a border permit tax, but this policy seems harder to implement. Exchange rates have potential to adjust for programmes’ stringencies and raise ambition over time, but can be challenging to select. As experience corroborates, unilateral linkage can be a convenient approach… lire la suite

Projet de Stratégie Nationale Bas-Carbone (SNBC) : La transition écologique et solidaire vers la neutralité carbone (version projet). Ministère de la transition écologique et solidaire, décembre 2018, 151 p.

La Stratégie nationale bas-carbone (SNBC) révisée dessine le chemin de la transition écologique et solidaire vers une neutralité carbone en 2050, conformément aux objectifs fixés dans l’Accord de Paris. Ce principe de neutralité carbone impose de ne pas émettre plus de gaz à effet de serre que notre territoire peut en absorber via notamment les forêts ou les sols…

La géo-ingénierie peut-elle sauver le climat ? / Pierre Papon, Note de veille Futuribles, 6/12/2018

L’accord de Paris sur le climat de décembre 2015 engageait ses signataires à diminuer fortement leurs émission de gaz à effet de serre, notamment de CO2, avant 2050, puis à les éliminer, afin de contenir le réchauffement climatique, depuis le début de l’âge industriel, en deçà de 2 °C, voire 1,5 °C, d’ici à la fin du siècle.

Global Carbon Budget 2018 / Corinne Le Quéré, et al., Earth System Science Data, 10, 2141-2194, 2018

An international team of more than 70 authors from dozens of institutions around the world analysed observations and models to compile an accurate account and projection of global carbon sources and sinks for the calendar year 2017. Prepared, submitted, and reviewed under ESSD’s “living data” process (involving nine separate reviews of three versions over two years), these annual budgets provide up-to-date assessments of CO2 emissions and their redistribution among ocean, land, and atmosphere. As an outcome of an open transparent community-based initiative managed by the Global Carbon Project, the annual carbon budgets represent excellent matches to ESSD’s mandate to publish openly shared, freely available data products.

Limiting fossil fuel production as the next big step in climate policy / Peter Erickson, Michael Lazarus & Georgia Piggot, Nature Climate Change, vol. 8, Dec. 2018, pp. 1037–1043

Despite the current ambivalence of the United States towards the Paris Agreement, national and local jurisdictions across the globe remain committed, and they are seeking ways to increase the ambition and effectiveness of their climate policies. One way forwards could be limiting the production — not just the consumption — of coal, gas and oil. Here we describe the rationale for, and CO2 emissions implications of, limiting oil production. Seven countries have recently imposed such limits, and we develop a case study for a potential addition to this group, the US state of California. We find that by ceasing the issuance of permits for new oil wells, California could reduce global CO2 emissions substantially and also enhance environmental justice in the state.

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Danièle Revel (20 décembre 2018). Climat : papiers de recherche moissonnés (20/12/2018). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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