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EU 2050 low-carbon energy future: visions and strategies

EU 2050 low-carbon energy future: visions and strategies / Leonardo Meeus, Isabel Azevedo, Claudio Marcantonini, Jean-Michel Glachant, Manfred Hafner. Robert Schuman Centre for  Advanced Studies, 2011, 22 p. (EUI working papers ; RSCAS 2011/11)

The aim of this paper is to identify the main challenges regarding the achievement of a low-carbon energy system in the EU by 2050. We analyze the visions presented by stakeholders and existing strategies of member state to achieve this transition. The five main challenges identified are the following: 1// energy efficiency – to ensure ambitious energy savings; 2// GHG emissions – to go towards a nearly zero-carbon electricity system; 3// renewable energy – to push effective technologies into the market; 4// energy infrastructure – to ensure timely investment in the electricity transmission grid capacity across borders; 5// energy markets – to guarantee timely investment in electricity generation back-up capacity. We also find that member states are already pursuing different strategies in dealing with these challenges. This creates risks for a European energy policy fragmentation. It also opens new opportunities for cooperation among member states so that the European Commission could demonstrate how to produce European added value. (© RSCAS)

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (3 octobre 2011). EU 2050 low-carbon energy future: visions and strategies. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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