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Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (4/04/2019)

Vers une géopolitique de l’énergie plus complexe ? Une analyse prospective tridimensionnelle de la transition énergétique / Clément Bonnet, Samuel Carcanague, Emmanuel Hache, Gondia Sokhna Seck et Marine Simoën. IRIS ; IFPEN, janvier 2019, 131 p. (Policy Research Working Paper)

Cette étude cherche à analyser trois enjeux au coeur de la transition vers les énergies renouvelables (ENR): (1) l’importance des matériaux nécessaires à la production des technologies des ENR ; (2) les dynamiques d’innovation dans ces technologies et le rôle qu’elles confèrent aux règles de la propriété intellectuelle ; (3) les interactions entre la transition énergétique et les économies exportatrices de combustibles fossiles…

Fostering Effective Energy Transition. World Economic Forum, March 2019, 40 p.

Fostering Effective Energy Transition report is part of the World Economic Forum’s System Initiative on Shaping the Future of Energy. The report summarizes insights from the “Energy Transition Index”, which builds upon the previous series of “Global Energy Architecture Performance Index” by adding a forward looking element of country readiness for energy transition. The index benchmarks 115 countries on the current level of their energy system performance, and the readiness of their macro environment for transition to a secure, sustainable, affordable and inclusive future energy system. The fact-based framework and rankings are intended to enable policy makers and businesses to identify the destination for energy transition, identify imperatives, and align policy and market enablers accordingly.

Back to Square One? Iranian Energy after the Re-Imposition of US Sanctions / David Ramin Jalilvand. Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, March 2019, 15 p. (Oxford Energy comment)

Once more, Iran is confronted with sanctions. They mark a turning point, reversing the complicated and gradual return of Iran to global energy markets following the conclusion of the nuclear deal in 2015…

“A Hub for Europe”: The Iberian promise? / Patrick Heather. Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, March 2019, 49 p. (OIES PAPER: NG 143)

In these times of heightening geopolitical tensions, can Iberia be part of the solution to diversify the Security of Supply of natural gas to Europe? For a number of years now, there has been growing concern amongst politicians of the dependence of Europe on Russian gas and there is growing pressure to find alternative supplies, both pipeline and LNG…

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (4 avril 2019). Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (4/04/2019). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse

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