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The Future of Gas in the Gulf: Continuity and Change

Edited by Jonathan Stern. Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, 2019 – £ 50.00 lien


  • Introduction / Jonathan Stern
  • 1. Qatar: LNG expansion following the ending of the North Field moratorium / Howard Rogers
  • 2. Iran: an inward-looking gas giant / David Jalilvand
  • 3. Natural Gas in Oman: change and stability / Ieda Gomes
  • 4. The Future of Gas in Saudi Arabia’s Transition / Bassam Fattouh & Rami Shabaneh
  • 5. Appetite and Innovation: natural gas in the UAE / Robin Mills
  • 6. Present and Future Role of Natural Gas in Kuwait / Osamah Alsayegh & Bassam Fattouh
  • 7. Rising from the Ashes: natural gas in Iraq / Luay Al-Khatteeb
  • 8. Bahrain: gas sector prospects / Mostefa Ouki

About the book:

This book provides an update the development of natural gas in the Gulf countries nearly ten years after the publication of the OIES Gas Programme book on Natural Gas Markets in the Middle East and North Africa. The book comprises in-depth studies of a smaller set of countries, but those of critical regional and international importance to the future of gas: Qatar, Iran, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Iraq and Bahrain.  Over the past decade, Gulf gas production and demand have expanded rapidly, and the next decade is likely to see further major expansions. The only substantial increase in LNG exports in the 2010s was from Qatar and a smaller, but still very significant, increase is planned for the 2020s. This book finds that the Gulf will play a substantial role in the expansion of global gas supply and demand at least until 2030, and probably beyond, and will therefore remain an extremely important region for gas and energy researchers over the next decade.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (2 juillet 2019). The Future of Gas in the Gulf: Continuity and Change. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse

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