Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (26/07/2019)
European traded gas hubs: a decade of change / Patrick Heather. Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, July 2019, 29 p. (Energy Insight: 55) lien
Following on from the comprehensive study undertaken by the Author in 2015 and the update published in 2017, this OIES Insight provides a further update on the maturity and development of European traded gas hubs, with particular reference to both the liquidity and pricing aspects of the hubs. As well as detailing the progress of all the European traded gas hubs in 2017 and 2018, this Insight will also look back over the past 10 years to see how the hubs have fared, whether there are any ‘winners’ or ‘losers’ and indeed, to see which countries are still to liberalise and which hubs to develop? In 2008, only 9 European countries had a traded gas hub and the only mature gas hub was the NBP; during the ensuing decade, new trading hubs were gradually formed as Member States started to follow the EU Energy Directives and, in particular, the Network Codes. However, there are still in 2018 7 countries without a traded gas hub…
Rénovation énergétique : chantier accessible à tous. Paris : Institut Montaigne, juillet 2019, 130 p. lien
(…) Nous sommes partis du constat qu’il existe beaucoup d’offres pour procéder à une rénovation énergétique des bâtiments. Pourtant, la demande n’augmente pas. Nous nous sommes donc intéressés aux obstacles organisationnels que peuvent rencontrer les maîtres d’ouvrage et qui pourraient être facilement levés…
How sensitive are optimal fully renewable power systems to technology cost uncertainty ? / Behrang Shirizadeh, Quentin Perrier, Philippe Quirion. CIRED, juillet 2019, 45 p. ( WP n°73) lien
Many studies have demonstrated the feasibility of fully renewable power systems in various countries and regions. Yet the future costs of key technologies are highly uncertain and little is known about the robustness of a renewable power system to these uncertainties. To analyze it, we build 315 long-term cost scenarios on the basis of recent prospective studies, varying the costs of key technologies, and we model the optimal renewable power system for France over 18 meteorological years, simultaneously optimizing investment and dispatch. Our results show that the total cost of a 100% system is not that sensitive to the power mix chosen in 2050. Certainly, the optimal energy mix is highly sensitive to cost assumptions: the installed capacity in PV, onshore wind and power-to-gas varies by a factor of 5, batteries and offshore wind even more. But the total cost will not be higher than today, and choosing a non-optimal electrical mix does not significantly increase this total cost. Contrary to current estimates of integration costs, this indicates that renewable technologies will become by and large substitutable.
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Danièle Revel (26 juillet 2019). Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (26/07/2019). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/od71