Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (20/11/2019)
The Production Gap: 2019 report / Michael Lazarus, et al. SEI, IISD, ODI, CICERO, Climate Analytics and the UN Environment Programme, Nov. 2019, 80 p. lien
The report addresses the necessary winding down of the world’s production of fossil fuels in order to meet climate goals. It is the first assessment of countries’ plans and outlooks for fossil fuel production, and what is needed to align this production with climate objectives. It follows in the footsteps of the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) Emissions Gap Report and other reports that review countries’ greenhouse gas emissions and compare them with the emission levels needed to meet global climate goals. The report represents a collaboration of several research and academic institutions and experts. UNEP staff provided guidance and insights from their experience leading other gap reports. Assessment of the production gap was based on the most recent and publicly accessible government plans and projections for fossil fuel production at the time of analysis. For other elements of the report, such as the magnitude of producer subsidies or the status of policies to limit production, the report draws from a mix of publicly available government, intergovernmental, and research sources as cited and listed in the references.
Russia-Ukraine gas transit talks: risks for all sides / Tatiana Mitrova, Simon Pirani & Jack Sharples, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, Nov. 2019, 17 p. (Energy Insight: 60) lien
The trilateral talks between the EU, Russia, and Ukraine regarding the transit of Russian gas via Ukraine beyond the expiry of the existing transit contract, on 31 December 2019, have so far failed to yield a solution. With the deadline fast approaching, the sides remain far apart in their negotiating positions. This Insight assesses the current state of the negotiations, the likelihood of an interruption in Russian gas transit via Ukraine in January 2020, and the potential impact of such a suspension of gas transit.
World Energy Outlook 2019. Paris : IEA/OECD, November 2019 lien
Deep disparities define today’s energy world: oil markets and geopolitical tensions, carbon emissions and climate targets, the promise of energy for all and the lack of electricity access for 850 million people around the world.
World Energy Outlook 2019 explores these widening fractures in detail. It explains the impact of today’s decisions on tomorrow’s energy systems, and describes a pathway that enables the world to meet climate, energy access and air quality goals while maintaining a strong focus on the reliability and affordability of energy for a growing global population.
Explorer l’avenir pour planifier la transition énergétique / Nicolas Raillard, dir. Shift Project, novembre 2019 lien
The Shift Project publie une nouvelle étude, qui vise à nourrir le développement d’un débat scientifiquement éclairé sur la transition énergétique via l’approche par scénarios, avec pour point de départ la problématique des systèmes électriques. Si le Référentiel méthodologique est destiné aux producteurs de scénarios, sa synthèse et son résumé intéresseront également tous les acteurs de la société qui sont amenés à lire des études prospectives sur la transition énergétique, ou qui cherchent simplement à s’informer sur ce sujet.
Protecting the Health of Vulnerable Populations with In-Home Energy Efficiency: A Survey of Methods for Demonstrating Health Outcomes / Sara Hayes & Ronald Denson Jr. ACEEE, 22/10/2019, 43 p. (Research Report H1901) lien
The buildings where people work and live can dramatically influence their health. Energy efficiency programs can make homes safer and healthier and bring financial benefits to vulnerable families. This study describes the methods used by 63 programs nationwide to measure and document their health impacts. It concludes by recommending strategies to better assess and communicate these benefits
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Danièle Revel (20 novembre 2019). Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (20/11/2019). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 23 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/od9g