Panama Climate Talks Signal What’s Ahead in Durban
Panama Climate Talks Signal What’s Ahead in Durban / Lynann Butkiewicz. Weathervane, 13/10/2011
The last major climate conference before UN Conference of the Parties 17 (COP17) begins next month wrapped up in Panama on Friday. Decisions and unresolved issues from the conference are indicators of what might be expected in Durban. The main concern is the extension of the Kyoto Protocol. Australia and Norway have drafted a plan that would include all major emitters, excluding least-developed countries, leading to a legally binding deal in 2015…
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Danièle Revel (14 octobre 2011). Panama Climate Talks Signal What’s Ahead in Durban. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse