Decision making in a changing climate
Decision making in a changing climate : World Resources report 2010-2011. United Nations Development Programme, UNEP, World Bank, World Resources Institute, October 2011, 184 p.
full report :
Recent extreme weather events including floods, heat waves, and droughts present a vivid image of the direction the world is heading. As climate change intensifies, more events like these, combined with longer-term changes in the climate’s average state – including rising seas, melting glaciers, and shifting precipitation patterns — will have profound impacts on people, ecosystems and infrastructure. Together, these changes call for different approaches to planning and policymaking, enabling societies to adapt effectively to a much hotter tomorrow… (source info © WRI :
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Danièle Revel (19 octobre 2011). Decision making in a changing climate. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse