Europe’s Green Energy Chaos
Europe’s Green Energy Chaos / Andrew McKillop, Former Expert-Policy & Programming, DG XVII Energy, European Commission, EU Energy policy blog, 20/10/2011
The European Union is wracked by sovereign debt, budget deficits, monetary weakness, slow economic growth, trade deficits with the Emerging economies, an ageing population, and mass unemployment – but it has the supposedly proud role of world leader in Green Energy Transition. The main goal of this is reducing dependence on fossil fuels and increasing dependence on new, renewable, unconventional, alternate and “low carbon green” energy sources and systems, and improving energy efficiency, conserving energy and rationalising the energy economy…
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Danièle Revel (21 octobre 2011). Europe’s Green Energy Chaos. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse