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Building the climate change regime: survey and analysis of approaches

Building the climate change regime: survey and analysis of approaches / Remi Moncel, Paul Joffe, Kevin McCall, and Kelly Levin. World Resources Institute, october 2011, 87 p. (working paper)

This WRI’s working paper seeks to identify concrete pathways for building an international “climate change regime.” It surveys and analyzes the academic literature as well as proposals by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and governments (© WRI)

We are falling short. The world recognizes the urgency of the climate challenge. The risks of unabated climate change are well documented and its impacts are already affecting people and ecosystems. Yet despite a global commitment by most of the world’s governments in 1992 to stabilize anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG) at safe levels, emissions are still on the rise and pledges of future action, in aggregate, fall short of what science suggests is necessary. This bleak outlook calls for bold thinking and determined action, building on the foundations laid in the international climate negotiations over the past two years and the determined national efforts of some countries…



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Danièle Revel (24 octobre 2011). Building the climate change regime: survey and analysis of approaches. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 15 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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