Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (10/01/2020)
Smart and efficient – Digital tools to save energy in buildings gives answers to this question. Paris : Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB), Jan. 2020, 49 p. (PEEB report) lien
This new PEEB report is both a think-piece and a practical guide for building sector professionals. It draws on the current literature and interviews with 28 experts worldwide. We showcase how digital solutions can support the transition to more energy-efficient buildings, from design to demolition, and point out the limitations and gaps…
Leveraging Advanced Metering Infrastructure to Save Energy / Rachel Gold, Corri Waters, and Dan York. ACEEE, January 9, 2020 (Research Report U2001) lien
Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) can be a powerful tool to help utility customers save energy and money. Utilities can use AMI’s granular data for near-real-time customer feedback, time-varying pricing, program targeting, insights on customer energy use, and program design. ACEEE surveyed 52 large utilities and found that most of them are greatly underutilizing this technology. This report discusses several use cases for leveraging AMI data, describes barriers and effective practices, and concludes with recommendations for utilities, program administrators, and regulators.
Potentials of sector coupling for decarbonisation : Assessing regulatory barriers in linking the gas and electricity sectors in the EU : final report – Study. EU Publications, December 2019, 147 p. lien
This report presents the results of an assessment of regulatory barriers and gaps preventing closer linking of the EU gas and electricity sectors (both in terms of their markets and infrastructure) and hindering the deployment of renewable and low-carbon gases. The main objectives of this study are: to provide a vision of the future energy system for the EU (in 2030 and in 2050) in which full decarbonisation of the energy system is achieved; to discuss the future role of gases in this system; to identify the potential technologies necessary for these developments; to identify regulatory barriers and gaps for the effective and efficient deployment of these technologies; and to discuss possible solutions and policy recommendations.
La Belt and Road Initiative et la stratégie de sécurisation des approvisionnements énergétiques chinois en Afrique / P. Copinschi, C. Locatelli, M. Hafner, R. Danino-Perraud et S. Carcanague. IRIS. Observatoire de la sécurité des flux et des matières énergétiques, octobre 2019, 57 p. (Rapport #1) lien
Les rapports de la Chine au continent africain s’inscrivent dans un contexte de dépendance de la Chine aux importations énergétiques, du fait d’un mix énergétique encore largement dominé par les hydrocarbures. Néanmoins, l’intérêt de Pékin pour l’Afrique, acteur émergent mais au poids encore relatif sur la scène pétro-gazière mondiale, dépasse la simple question des approvisionnements énergétiques et s’intègre dans une stratégie d’expansion économique, géopolitique et stratégique plus globale qu’il ne faut pas sous-estimer.
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Danièle Revel (10 janvier 2020). Energie : papiers de recherche moissonnés (10/01/2020). Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 15 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/odao