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The ethical dimension of tackling climate change

The ethical dimension of tackling climate change / Steven Gardiner, Environment 360, 20/10/2011

The global challenge of climate change poses a perfect moral storm — by failing to take action to rein in carbon emissions, the current generation is spreading the costs of its behavior far into the future. Why should people in the future pay to clean up our mess?

Sometimes the best way to make progress on a problem is to get clearer on what that problem is. Arguably, the biggest issue facing humanity at the moment is the looming global environmental crisis. Here, the problem is not that we are unaware that trouble is coming. After all, the basic science is both well known and continually being reiterated in major national and international reports. Rather, the core problem is that thus far effective action seems beyond us. We seem at best paralyzed, and at worst indifferent. Put starkly, there seems little place within our grand institutions and busy lives for what may turn out to be the defining issue of our generation…

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (4 novembre 2011). The ethical dimension of tackling climate change. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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