Call for papers on Sustainable Mobility
A special issue of Economics and Policy of Energy and Environment
Read here the full call for papers
As air quality deterioration and climate change phenomena became central to the political agenda at global, EU and national level, the sensitiveness to these issues raised among citizens, in particular in metropolitan and urban areas, and rapidly spread across EU regions.
Cities and urban areas are developing integrated mobility strategies in order to identify effective solutions, as testified by the large adoption of mobility plans based on EU Guidelines for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans from 2013, the first European planning concept for sustainable urban mobility.
The fast growing pace of innovations in technologies, business models societal developments etc. require today a substantial revision and extension of the original approach, in particular by developing thematic guidance for specific trends such as for example electrification of transport, digitalization and Mobility as a Service, automated transport, etc.
Active modes such as walking and cycling are gaining momentum, while the digitalization process is leading to an increasing relevance of flexible (e.g. Demand Responsive Transport systems) and shared (bike, car, scooters etc.) services and integrated platforms and concepts for mobility (e.g. the so called Mobility as a Service).
The list of anticipated themes is given as follows:
- Market perspectives and mid to long-term scenarios of alternative fueled and electric cars
- Market perspectives in specific transport sectors: freight, public transport, sharing, taxi, etc.
- Impact of transition to electric mobility on automotive and other industries, society, policies and fiscal systems
- Assessment of policy and incentive schemes to support low emissions vehicles and environmentally friendly behaviors
- Total Cost of Ownership assessment for electric and other vehicles
- Life Cycle Assessment and Well to Wheel, environmental and energy efficiency assessment
- Impact of electric vehicle penetration on air quality and climate change
- Impact of sustainable mobility plans on air quality and climate change
- Charging infrastructure needs and related business models
- Vehicle-to-Grid, Vehicle-to-Home and Smart charging solutions: implementation, potential and behavioral aspects
- Electric, connected, autonomous and shared cars: a new paradigm?
- Business models for innovative mobility services and systems
Submission Information
All submitted papers must contain only original work, which has not been published by or is currently under review for any other journal.
Detailed guidelines for editing are available at the following link:
Manuscripts should
be submitted via this link:
Full paper submission deadline: 31 March 2020
Final decision notification: 30 April 2020
Publication: June 2020
Guest Editors:
Gabriele Grea, GREEN-Bocconi University, Milan (email:
Marco Borgarello, RSE, Milano, Italy. (email:
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (29 janvier 2020). Call for papers on Sustainable Mobility. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse