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Expanding the European dimension in energy policy: the Commission’s latest initiatives

Expanding the European dimension in energy policy: the Commission’s latest initiatives / David Buchan. Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, October 2011, 51 p. (SP 23)

The European Commission has broken new ground in proposing to streamline national planning approval of vital energy infrastructure, use EU funds to leverage private finance for such networks and to negotiate foreign pipelines on the EU’s behalf. These initiatives coincide awkwardly with the eurozone crisis. But David Buchan broadly endorses Brussels’ attempt to kick-start implementation of Europe’s 2020 energy and climate goals. He suggests the Commission go a step further by taking advantage of the forthcoming treaty revision to propose a constitutional amendment on EU states’ energy mix. (© OIES)

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (7 novembre 2011). Expanding the European dimension in energy policy: the Commission’s latest initiatives. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse

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