Resource security risks in perspective : complexity and nuance
Resource security risks in perspective : complexity and nuance / Bram Buijs and Henrike Sievers. The Hague : Clingendael International Energy Programme, November 2011, 42 p. (briefing paper)
This briefing paper has been based upon research undertaken in the context of the EU FP7 POLINARES project (
Access to resources has become an issue which has gained much political and public attention in recent years, as resource markets have become tighter. This paper is the second of a twin briefing paper on the debate surrounding security of energy and mineral resources. The first paper Critical thinking about critical minerals provided a critical analysis of the ‘critical minerals’ approach and identified several underlying fundamental concerns. This paper elaborates on this analysis and is divided into the following four parts:
- Part I: Assessing Major Risks and Debunking Some Misconceptions,
- Part II: Access to Resources, Prices and Competitiveness,
- Part III: Confidence in Global Markets – Entering a New Era?
- Part IV: Thinking about Policy Responses to Resource Security Issues.
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Danièle Revel (17 novembre 2011). Resource security risks in perspective : complexity and nuance. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse