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Energy pathways in low carbon development

Energy pathways in low carbon development: From technology transfer to socio-technical transformation / Rob Byrne, Adrian Smith, Jim Watson and David Ockwell. University of Sussex. STEPS Centre, 2011, 96 p.

The challenge of providing poor people with access to energy services requires a broader and more ambitious approach, according to a new working paper from the IDS-based STEPS Centre. Access to energy is a key development priority. Yet current international arrangements to tackle energy access and climate change, based on technology transfer and finance, are failing to produce real development, according to the authors.

Summary : The relationships between energy and development are complex, compounded by increasingly differentiated situations amongst developing countries and within them. Moreover, the manner in which energy services are realised has consequences for our health, environment, wealth, and social relations. Two important issues currently preoccupying the realm of international development are enhancing energy access whilst simultaneously addressing climate change…


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (18 novembre 2011). Energy pathways in low carbon development. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 15 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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