Deciding the future of the UN emissions trading mechanism at Durban
Deciding the future of the UN emissions trading mechanism at Durban / Durban Team, Climatico, 24/11/2011
With the United Nations Climate Change Conference due to start on 28 November, emissions trading is a key topic due for discussion in Durban. As one of the three Kyoto market-based mechanisms seeking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, emissions trading has emerged as a crucial weapon in the arsenal of climate change mitigation at the international level. It needs to be decided whether the tradable units (called assigned amount units, or AAUs) remain valid beyond 2012, or whether the surplus of AAUs currently in existence should be reduced in line with emissions reductions targets. An investigation is also necessary into possible solutions to link the various existing and emerging national and regional trading schemes…
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Danièle Revel (25 novembre 2011). Deciding the future of the UN emissions trading mechanism at Durban. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 12 septembre 2024 à l’adresse