Assessing Non-Annex I pledges: Building a case for clarification
Assessing Non-Annex I pledges: Building a case for clarification / Kelly Levin and Jared Finnegan. World resources Institute, Dec. 2011, 20 p. (Working Paper)
This paper builds a case for the need to clarify the assumptions, methodologies, and other critical details underlying non-Annex I nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs). It also explains how common accounting rules for Annex I targets will resolve the lack of clarity surrounding targets for developed countries. It concludes with decisions that can be made in COP17 Durban to formalize both common accounting rules for Annex I targets and a clarification process for non–Annex I actions. (© WRI)
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Danièle Revel (8 décembre 2011). Assessing Non-Annex I pledges: Building a case for clarification. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 22 janvier 2025 à l’adresse