Dissecting Durban
Dissecting Durban / Trevor Houser, note on Rhodium Group site, 15/12/2011
Reactions to the results of the annual UN climate change conference that wrapped up last week in South Africa have been all over the map. The AP heralded the outcome as a “landmark deal,” The New York Times and Reuters called it “modest.” And the always astute Michael Levi at the Council on Foreign Relations cautioned that even this level of celebration is misplaced. This wide range of reactions is understandable, as there wasn’t one agreement reached in Durban, but three. And the value of each of those agreements depends entirely on your view of how best to tackle climate change…
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Another perspective on the Durban climate talks / Michael Levi, Energy, security and climate, 16/12/2011
I argued earlier this week that many were overreacting to the outcome from the Durban climate talks. Trevor Houser, partner at RHG and visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute, posted his own thoughtful take on the talks on the PIIE website. I’m reprinting the last part, which is in part a direct response to my earlier post, with his permission. We’re planning to follow this up with a discussion soon…
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Danièle Revel (19 décembre 2011). Dissecting Durban. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/o9dl