Oil and international energy markets
Oil and international energy markets / Edited by Christopher Allsopp and Bassam Fattouh. Oxford Review of Economic Policy,Vol. 27, n° 1, Spring 2011
Contents :
- Oil and international energy / Christopher Allsopp and Bassam Fattouh
- The oil trading markets, 2003–10: analysis of market behaviour and possible policy responses /Adair Turner, Jon Farrimond, and Jonathan Hill
- Peak oil and energy policy—a critique / Dieter Helm
- Clean energy and international oil / Marianne Haug
- Shale gas—the unfolding story / Howard Rogers
- Testing for the cartel in OPEC: non-cooperative collusion or just non-cooperative? / Pedro A. Almoguera, Christopher C. Douglas, and Ana María Herrera
- Oil price shocks and the macroeconomy / Paul Segal
- Uncertainty, expectations, and fundamentals: whatever happened to long-term oil prices? / Bassam Fattouh and Pasquale Scaramozzino
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Danièle Revel (19 décembre 2011). Oil and international energy markets. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 15 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/o9dn