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A look at fracturing

A look at fracturing / Julian Silk, International Energy, IAEE blog, 19/12/2011

Hydraulic fracturing has made shale gas a practical and increasingly important contributor to American energy supply. It has also drawn increasing opposition on environmental grounds. One of the most ardent opponents of fracking is Jacob Batchelor of the staff of The Dartmouth, the campus newspaper of Dartmouth College. Writing online at, he states that we should not put “much faith in the government to effectively regulate [fracking]” and that its benefits are overstated and its environmental damage is vast. Eliza Griswold, with her article, “The Fracturing of Pennsylvania”, published November 17, 2011 in the magazine of The New York Times, details the costs and benefits from the Marcellus shale gas deposit for the people of Amwell Township, Pennsylvania. She states that “The industry acknowledges that the question of how to handle the wastewater that comes from [fracking] is one of its most pressing problems. In Pennsylvania this problem is particularly acute.” She also goes into detail about how one of the fracking companies, Range Resources, has responded inadequately to the health problems fracking has caused to people in the Township….

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Danièle Revel (20 décembre 2011). A look at fracturing. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 21 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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