Strategies to finance large-scale deployment of renewable energy projects
Strategies to finance large-scale deployment of renewable energy projects : an economic development and infrastructure approach / Lewis Milford, Ross Tyler, and Jessica Morey. Clean Energy Group, Dec. 2011, 58 p.
• the full report :
• concerning the FINANCE-RE project :
The report, prepared by the Clean Energy Group (CEG), stresses that new approaches are needed to address the challenges of scaling up finance for large-scale deployments of renewable energy. The report concludes that governments should consider scaling up of renewable energy as part of their robust economic development strategy, rather than as an environmental strategy with the secondary benefits of job creation. Such an approach is fundamental for attracting new private-sector investment to finance renewable projects at a scale that is needed to address climate change. Proven mechanisms should not be abandoned, but new policies have to target ways to reduce the risk-to-reward ratio in order to enhance private sector investor confidence for investment in large scale renewable energy.
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Danièle Revel (20 décembre 2011). Strategies to finance large-scale deployment of renewable energy projects. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse