The benefits of investing in electricity transmission: a case study of Northern Europe
The benefits of investing in electricity transmission: a case study of Northern Europe / Jonas Teusch, Arno Behrens, Christian Egenhofer. Brussels : CEPS, 16 January 2012, 52 p. ISBN 978-94-6138-161-3
Electricity trading can bring down the costs of the EU’s transition to a competitive low-carbon economy, in particular by facilitating the integration of renewable energy from variable sources. This CEPS Special Report finds, however, that insufficient grid infrastructure and regulatory obstacles prevent the trading potential from being fully realised in Northern Europe. While acknowledging that many interconnector projects are under development, it identifies various barriers that are precluding the grid rollout from taking place on time. The European Commission’s energy infrastructure package is an important step forward to overcome these barriers, but the authors warn that the scale and urgency of the infrastructure challenge call for significant further progress. (© CEPS)
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Danièle Revel (17 janvier 2012). The benefits of investing in electricity transmission: a case study of Northern Europe. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse