How will energy demand develop in the Developing World? / Catherine Wolfram, Orie Shelef and Paul Gertler. Energy Institute at Haas, January 2012, 23 p. (EI@Haas WP 226)
Most of the medium-run growth in energy demand is forecast to come from the developing world, which consumed more total units of energy than the developed world in 2007. We argue that the main driver of the growth is likely to be increased incomes among the poor and near-poor. We document that as households come out of poverty and join the middle class, they acquire appliances, such as refrigerators, and vehicles for the first time. These new goods require energy to use and energy to manufacture. The current forecasts for energy demand in the developing world may be understated because they do not accurately capture the dramatic increase in demand associated with poverty reduction.
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Danièle Revel (19 janvier 2012). How will energy demand develop in the Developing World? Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse