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The Social Cost of Electricity

The Social Cost of Electricity. Scenarios and Policy Implications / Anil Markandya, Andrea Bigano and Roberto Porchia, Edward Elgar/FEEM, Dec. 2010, £75

sommaire :

“This book reports and rationalizes the state of the art concerning the social costs of electricity generation. Social costs are assessed by adding  to the private generation costs, the external costs related  to damages to human health, the environment, crops, materials, and  those related to the consequences of climate change.

The authors consider the evolution of these costs up to 2030 for major electricity generating technologies and, using these estimates, evaluate policy options for external cost internalization and provide quantitative scenarios, by country and primary fuel, for 2010, 2020 and 2030.

While mainly focusing on European countries, the book also examines the situation in key emerging economies such as China, India, Brazil and Turkey.” (© E. Elgar)

Contributors: H. Allal, S. Arnold, A. Behrens, A. Bigano, M. Blesl, G. Bökenkamp, L. Brander,  W.-J. Chou, D. Diakoulaki, C. Egenhofer, R. Friedrich, K. Halsnæs, S. Hirschberg, O. Hohmeyer, A. Hunt, O. Kuik, O. Løfsnes, K. Magnussen, A. Markandya, S. Navrud, T. Niesor, W. Nijs, R. Porchia, P. Preiss, A. Rabl, L. Rosendahl Appelquist, B. Tennbakk, C. Tourkolias, M. Urbani, A. van der Welle, B. van der Zwaan, S. Wissel, X. Zhu

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (3 février 2011). The Social Cost of Electricity. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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