How Does Energy Efficiency Policy Influence Decision Making in Industry?
The Boardroom Perspective: How Does Energy Efficiency Policy Influence Decision Making in Industry? Paris : IEA, 2011, 68 p.
The rationale for an individual company making an investment that will reduce energy consumption varies considerably and depends on a range of factors. This report delves into the major factors or driving forces that decision makers within a large industrial company take into account when deciding to make new investments – the so-called “boardroom perspective”. It explores the factors that influence companies to invest in energy savings and proposes a methodology to evaluate the effectiveness of a country’s energy efficiency and greenhouse gas mitigation policies mix from this boardroom perspective. This paper is the product of collaboration between the IEA and the Institute of Industrial Productivity (IIP)… (© IEA)
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Danièle Revel (27 janvier 2012). How Does Energy Efficiency Policy Influence Decision Making in Industry? Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse