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Handbook of climate change mitigation

Handbook of climate change mitigation / Wei-Yin Chen, John Seiner, Toshio Suzuki and Maximilian Lackner. Springer, 2012, 2130 p.

Presentation from Springer :

There is a mounting consensus that human behavior is changing the global climate and its consequence could be catastrophic. Reducing the 24 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions from stationary and mobile sources is a gigantic task involving both technological challenges and monumental financial and societal costs. The pursuit of sustainable energy resources, environment, and economy has become a complex issue of global scale that affects the daily life of every citizen of the world. The present mitigation activities range from energy conservation, carbon-neutral energy conversions, carbon advanced combustion process that produce no greenhouse gases and that enable carbon capture and sequestion, to other advanced technologies. From its causes and impacts to its solutions, the issues surrounding climate change involve multidisciplinary science and technology. This handbook will provide a single source of this information. The book will be divided into the following sections: Scientific Evidence of Climate Change and Societal Issues, Impacts of Climate Change, Energy Conservation, Alternative Energies, Advanced Combustion, Advanced Technologies, and Education and Outreach.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (6 février 2012). Handbook of climate change mitigation. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 12 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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