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Climate smart development in Asia

Climate smart development in Asia / Ancha Srinivasan, Frank Ling and Hideyuki Mori, eds. Routledge/Taylor and Francis, 2012, 250 p.

Asia is rapidly becoming a major contributor of global greenhouse gas emissions. Also many countries in the region are highly vulnerable to impacts of climate change. With a growing consensus that there is limited time to avoid dangerous climate change, scientists, engineers, economists and policymakers worldwide have begun exploring how developing Asia can capitalize on the transition to a climate-smart development paradigm. Most discussions, however, have focused primarily on the transfer of technologies from developed to developing countries and have overlooked other equally important issues such as financing, governance, and capacity.

This book covers all critical aspects of climate-smart development and attempts to integrate both market-based and technology-based solutions into a comprehensive approach for creating a road map for low carbon, climate-resilient economies in Asia. It examines strategies, policies and incentives in selected countries for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the energy, transportation, land use, and buildings sectors. It also identifies policies that are essential to improve resilience to both current and future impacts of climate change. The book highlights technical, economic, financial, and institutional challenges and opportunities for realizing climate-smart development in Asia at the national and sub-national levels. How the international climate regime can facilitate appropriate enabling environment in developing Asia is also examined. It is hoped that the book will contribute to discussions on the theme of “green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication” in the run-up to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development or “Rio+20” and beyond. (© publisher)

Contents :

  • Chapter 1 Climate smart development in Asia: An overview – Ancha Srinivasan, Frank Hiroshi Ling and Hideyuki Mori (pages 1-17)
  • Chapter 2 The potential for low carbon climate resilient economy (LCE) in Japan – Frank Hiroshi Ling and Junichi Fujino (21-40)
  • Chapter 3 The potential for LCE in India – Surender Kumar and Shunsuke Managi (41-56)
  • Chapter 4 Challenges and opportunities for LCE in China: A case study of policies for wind power development – Xiaomei Tan and Brett Rose (57-72)
  • Chapter 5 LCE in Indonesia: A review of national programs for climate mitigation and resilience –  Frank Hiroshi Ling and Ancha Srinivasan (73-89)
  • Chapter 6 The potential for voluntary approaches to realize a climate smart economy: Private–public partnerships in Taiwan – Ju-Han Zoe Wang and Wen-Cheng Hu (90-106)
  • Chapter 7 Technologies for climate smart development: A case study of carbon capture and storage – Frank Hiroshi Ling, Xiangyang Xu and Ancha Srinivasan (109–125)
  • Chapter 8 Financing the low carbon energy sector in the context of future climate regime negotiations – Kentaro Tamura and Koji Fukuda (126-147)
  • Chapter 9 Enabling the transition to climate smart development in Asian cities – Heike Schroeder, Jun Li, Harriet Bulkeley, Carine Barbier, Jimin Zhao, Michel Colombier, Shu Yi Chu and Shibani Ghosh (148-183)
  • Chapter 10 Policy frameworks for climate smart development: The case of hydropower – Yadu Nath Pokhrel, Taikan Oki and Shinjiro Kanae (184-199)
  • Chapter 11 Bioenergy deployment for climate smart development:The case of biogas for cooking in India – Hoysala N. Chanakya and Patil Balachandra (200-216)
  • Chapter 12 Climate smart development in Asia: The way forward – Ancha Srinivasan and Frank Hiroshi Ling (219-243)

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Danièle Revel (20 février 2012). Climate smart development in Asia. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 15 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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