Dynamics of energy governance in Europe and Russia
Dynamics of energy governance in Europe and Russia / Ed. by Caroline Kuzemko, Andrei V. Belyi, Andreas Goldthau and Michael F. Keating. Palgrave Macmillan, March 2012, 312 p. ISBN 9780230307902, £40 (International Political Economy Series)
Energy in Europe and Russia is in flux. The authors address key issues in this context and seek to analyze contemporary transition processes in the region’s energy sector. They look at whether and how transnational policy mechanisms can generate sufficient steering capacity to address pressing energy policy issues, including environmental concerns, energy transit or rapidly changing natural gas markets. Moreover, they explore the impact climate change concerns have on policy making in the energy sector and to what extent market mechanisms provide for answers to these issues. Instead of taking a geopolitical or neoliberal approach, this energy policy debate acknowledges the strong interdependence of global, regional and domestic influences on the processes. (© Palgrave MacMillan)
Contents :
– Forewords; M.Watson & N.Simonia
– Introduction: Bringing Energy into International Political Economy; M.Keating, C.Kuzemko, A.Belyi & A.Goldthau
– Legal Approximation in Energy: the Case of EU-Russian Relations and its Lessons; T.Romanova
– Tensions between the Liberalist and Statist Approaches to Energy Trade Governance: the Case of Gas Dual Pricing; D.Behn & V.Pogoretskyy
– The European Foreign Energy Efficiency Policy: Securing External Energy Supply in a Carbon-Constrained World; A.Boute
– Re-thinking EU Energy Security: The Utility of Global Best Practices for Successful Transnational Energy Governance; M.Keating
– Energy Efficiency Regimes: Possibilities and Limits of Best-Practice Transfer between Europe and Russia; K.Petrichenko & A.Belyi
– Security and the Economics of Energy in North East Europe; S.Raszewski
– Russian External Energy Strategy: Opportunities and Constraints; K.Demakova & J.Godzimirski
– Russo-Ukrainian Gas Wars and the Call on Transit Governance; S.Pirani
– Energy Policy in Transition: Sustainability with Security; C.Kuzemko
– Emerging Governance Challenges for Eurasian Gas Markets after the Shale Gas Revolution; A.Goldthau
– Winds of Change: Long-term Gas Contracts and Changing Energy Paradigms in the European Union; K.Talus
– Governments, Policies and Companies: a Business Perspective; D.Elmes
Conclusion: Energy Governance, Global Development and New Research Agendas; T.Shaw
Afterword: Dynamics of Energy Governance in Europe and Russia: Findings and Further Avenues of Inquiry; A.Goldthau, M.Keating, C.Kuzemko& A.Belyi
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Danièle Revel (8 mars 2012). Dynamics of energy governance in Europe and Russia. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 22 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/o9ju