Climate Proofing for Development
Climate Proofing for Development : Adapting to Climate Change, Reducing Risk / Marlene Hahn & Alexander Fröde, GTZ/GIZ, Nov. 2010, 38 p.
How can institutions operating in climate-sensitive sectors (for example agriculture, forestry, spatial planning, urban development and nature conservation) assess the impacts of climate change on their work? How can they determine what action is needed? How can they adapt their plans and ensure they are making the right decisions? What further steps can they take?
Since 2007, GTZ/GIZ has developed the ‘Climate Proofing for Development’ approach to help governmental and non-governmental institutions answer these questions. The approach is currently being implemented in more than ten countries around the world. This new publication describes the method and how it works using examples and best practices. It also draws conclusions based on the experience gathered so far. (© Alexander Fröde)
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Danièle Revel (11 février 2011). Climate Proofing for Development. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse