Pricing carbon in the U.S.: A model-based analysis of power sector only approaches
Pricing carbon in the U.S.: A model-based analysis of power sector only approaches / Warwick J. McKibbin, Adele Morris, Peter J. Wilcoxen. Brookings Institution, 20 April 2012, 39 p. (Climate and energy economics discussion paper)
Executive Summary
In June 2010, as the prospects in the U.S. Senate for an economy-wide cap-and-trade bill dimmed, some proponents of climate policy began to push for a more limited-scope approach. One proposed way to limit the scope of the bill was to apply the cap-and-trade program only to the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from electricity generation. This paper uses an intertemporal computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the world economy called G-Cubed to compare a power-sector-only climate policy with economy-wide measures that either place the same price on carbon or achieve the same cumulative emissions reduction as the program limited to the power sector… more
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Danièle Revel (23 avril 2012). Pricing carbon in the U.S.: A model-based analysis of power sector only approaches. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse