Building international climate cooperation
Building international climate cooperation: lessons from the weapons and trade regimes for achieving international climate goals / Ruth Greenspan Bell, Micah Ziegler, Barry Blechman, Brian Finlay and Thomas Cottier. World Resources Institute, May 2012, 196 p.
This report considers lessons from the weapons and trade regimes, noting both their successes and failures. It compares these lessons to what has been tried in the climate regime, and offers ideas that might enhance the chances of attaining global action to control greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. (© WRI)
About this report (copyright WRI) :
Tackling global climate change requires countries across the world to engage in multigenerational cooperation (referred to herein as “collective action”) to advance a transition to a near-zero-carbon economy by 2050, in order to keep global average temperature increase below 1.5–2 degrees Celsius in comparison with preindustrial levels. No one country can achieve the necessary emissions reductions alone. If we are to succeed, there must be sustained political engagement across countries to solve difficult conflicts, such as the level of effort versus cost, or equity versus environmental rigor… more
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Danièle Revel (10 mai 2012). Building international climate cooperation. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse