Little green data book 2012
Little Green Data Book 2012. World Bank, May 2012
World Bank’s Presentation :
The annual book compiles environmental data, which includes information from more than 200 countries relating to agriculture, forests, climate, energy, water, sanitation, and ocean health.
The 2012 Little Green Data Book functions as a compilation of information allowing countries to value and organize their natural capital. The datasets include an Adjusted Net Savings indicator, which calculates savings considering factors such as natural resource depletion and pollution damage. It also includes an Adjusted Net National Income indicator, which measures income while accounting for factors such as energy, mineral, and forest depletion.
The 2012 edition adds a new series of data on marine resources, which the World Bank notes are particularly important for small island developing States (SIDS) and many coastal communities. This includes the percentage of water covered by marine areas, coral reefs and mangroves, as well as comprehensive fishery data. The focus on ocean data shows the dire need for better management of natural ocean resources. (© World Bank)
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Danièle Revel (23 mai 2012). Little green data book 2012. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse