International trade and sustainability : A survey
International trade and sustainability : A survey / Louis Dupuy. Bordeaux : Larefi, April 2012 (working paper ; 2012-01)
This paper aims at reviewing the literature on international trade and sustainability. In the neoclassical sense sustainability is interpreted as the imperative to maintain constant consumption over time. The literature provides several indicators to assess sustainability empirically. Theoretical and empirical studies alike usually consider the world either as an integrated econ- omy where international is no di erent from intra-national trade and can be neglected or a juxtaposition of closed national economies. Some useful insights can be drawn from the literature on trade and the environment to nally understand the impact of international trade on all the dimensions of sustainability. (© Dupuy)
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Danièle Revel (4 juin 2012). International trade and sustainability : A survey. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse